Mengajar dan Meneliti Asia Tenggara - Teaching and Researching Southeast Asia (MMAT) is an annual summer course held by Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada since 2016. This program is designed for students, researchers, practitioners, or professionals who are interested in Southeast Asia issues. MMAT aims to achieve several objectives:


  • Developing Southeast Asia as knowledge building
  • Encouraging the development of methodologies in Southeast Asian studies in Indonesia
  • Building a community and multidisciplinary academic network with a focus on Southeast Asian studies
  • Encourage and facilitate the publication of works of Indonesian scientists about Southeast Asia


Every year, MMAT is held with different topics and focuses which align with the current and significant issues in the region. MMAT invites lecturers from various academic disciplines and universities from inside and outside the region. Furthermore, participants are diverse in terms of academic backgrounds and nationalities. The designated activities are not limited only to lectures but also short field classes and publications such as popular academic articles, journals, and books.