MMAT (Mengajar dan Meneliti Asia Tenggara/Teaching and Researching Southeast Asia) is an annual summer course held by Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, since 2016. This program is designed for students, researchers, practitioners, or professionals who are interested in Southeast Asia issues. MMAT aims to achieve several objectives:

  • Developing Southeast Asia as knowledge building
  • Encouraging the development of methodologies in Southeast Asian studies in Indonesia
  • Building a community and multidisciplinary academic network with a focus on Southeast Asian studies
  • Encourage and facilitate the publication of works of Indonesian scientists about Southeast Asia

Every year, MMAT is held with different topics and focuses which align with the current and significant issues in the region. MMAT invites lecturers from various academic disciplines and universities from inside and outside the region. Furthermore, participants are diverse in terms of academic backgrounds and nationalities. The designated activities are not limited only to lectures but also short field classes and publications such as popular academic articles, journals, and books. 


The “Communicating the ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture” summer course is a strategic initiative by the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). This 22-day hybrid program aims to serve as a vibrant forum for discussion, information dissemination, and knowledge exchange focused on Southeast Asia and ASEAN.

By focusing on popular culture, a medium that effectively unifies diverse messages, this summer course aligns with the vision of the ASEAN Charter: “One Vision, One Identity, One Community.” The program aims to cultivate a deep appreciation for the rich cultural tapestry that binds ASEAN nations. Participants will engage with leading experts, including academicians, actresses, musicians, influencers, movie directors, and government officials, to explore how ASEAN identity is dynamically expressed and communicated through popular culture.

  1. Ignite Enthusiasm for Southeast Asian Studies: Encourage both domestic and international students to dive into Southeast Asian studies, igniting a passion for research and knowledge in future young researchers.

  2. Deepen Understanding of ASEAN through Popular Culture: Enhance participants’ perspectives and knowledge about Southeast Asia by exploring the dynamics of popular culture, highlighting its role in unifying diverse messages.

  3. Stimulate Academic Dialogue: Promote intensive academic discussions on Southeast Asian social studies by engaging international scholars and experts, fostering a vibrant academic community.

  4. Build Multi-Disciplinary Networks: Develop a multi-disciplinary academic community focused on Southeast Asian studies, strengthening collaboration and knowledge exchange across various fields.

  5. Promote Balanced Knowledge Dissemination: Provide a platform for educators and researchers from diverse backgrounds to share balanced and comprehensive knowledge about Southeast Asia, both nationally and internationally.

  1. Program Duration: The summer course runs for 22 days in a hybrid format, featuring both online and in-person sessions.

  2. Participation Fee: Details on the participation fee, including any early bird discounts or scholarships available, will be provided upon registration.
  3. Attendance Requirement: Participants are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of the sessions to receive a certificate of completion and eligible for 3 Credit Transfer**.
  4. Code of Conduct: All participants must adhere to the program’s code of conduct, which emphasizes respect, inclusivity, and active participation.
  5. Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 14 days before the program start date to receive a full refund. Cancellations made after this period will incur a 50% fee***.
  6. Technical Requirements: For online sessions, participants must have access to a stable internet connection, a computer with a webcam, and necessary software for virtual meetings.

**only applicable for universities that has MOU with UGM
***The participants are responsible for all transfer fees

  1. University Students: Undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines who have an interest in Southeast Asian studies and popular culture.

  2. Academicians: Scholars, researchers, and educators from various fields who seek to deepen their understanding of ASEAN identity and popular culture.
  3. Professionals: Individuals working in fields related to cultural studies, international relations, media, and communication who are interested in ASEAN dynamics.
  4. General Enthusiasts: Anyone with a passion for Southeast Asian culture and popular culture, including artists, media professionals, and cultural influencers.

This summer course is designed to be inclusive and accessible, welcoming participants from diverse backgrounds to foster a rich and multi-faceted dialogue on the ASEAN identity through the lens of popular culture. Join us to embark on this enlightening journey and contribute to the vibrant academic community dedicated to Southeast Asian studies.

Group Assignments

  1. Team Formation: Participants will be grouped into teams of five.
  2. Assignments: There will be two group assignments throughout the course, encouraging teamwork and collaborative learning.

Individual Paper

  1. Requirements: Each participant must write a 1500-word paper to qualify for transfer credit.
  2. Publication Opportunity: Selected papers will have the possibility to be published in one of UGM’s journals, providing participants with a valuable academic platform.
  1. E-Certificate of Participation
  2. Transferrable to 3 Credits
  3. Networking from all over the world
  4. Experience of learning multi-perspectives from international lecturers & classmates
  5. The possibility of the final assignment to be published at one of UGM’s Journal

The discount applies for participants under the following criteria:

  1. Undergraduates/graduates/doctoral students from and people recommended by one of the Speakers
  2. Those whose institutions have partnership agreement with CESASS

For those who fulfill the criteria, please prepare the recommendation letter from the speaker or email at to ask the recommendation letter if you come from affiliated institution


Brisia Jodie
(Singer, Indonesia)

Raphael Wregas Bhanuteja
(Indonesian Movie Director and Screenwriter)

Manit Sriwanichpoom
(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

Hiroyuki Yamamoto
(Kyoto University, Japan)

Dr. G. Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Dr. Elan Ardri Lazuardi, S.Ant., M.A
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Dr. Nadya Wang Sin Yee
(Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore)

Ashika Prajnya Paramita, S.S., M.A.
(Deakin University, Australia)

Dr. Hamam Supriyadi
(Thammasat University, Thailand)

Fuji Riang Prastowo, S.Sos., M.Sc
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Sascha Horst Funk
(Thammasat University, Thailand)

Prof. Hermin Indah Wahyuni
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Dr. Miguel Escobar Varela
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, S.I.P., M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Dr. Siti Darwinda binti Mohamed Pero
(ITS-University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)

Kenneth Ephraim Surat
(Architecture and Travel Content Creator, The Philippines)

Manuel R. Enverga III, DSocSci
(Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines)

Dr. Budi Irawanto, S.IP, M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Asriuni Pradipta
(Musician, Indonesia)

Ina Ratriyana, M.A.
(School of Film, Media and Journalism Monash University, Australia)

Ahmad Afryan
(ASEAN Youth Organization)


Time of the course

In class : Monday – Friday
Field visit : 3x (Saturday, Wednesday, Sunday)

Time in GMT+7/Jakarta Time

Session 1: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM (Except Friday: 09.00 AM – 11.00 AM)
Session 2: 13.00 PM – 15.00 PM (Except Friday: 13.30 PM – 15.30 PM)

Sessions divided into lecture and Q&A, however the time division will follow each lecturer’s style.

The Summer Course will be held hybrid (on the site and online)  

On the site:
Indonesian Room, CESASS—Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2nd Floor
Location click here 

Zoom meeting
The link will be announced later

Important Dates

July 25th 2024

August 8th – 23rd, 2024


Date Time
(Jakarta Local Time GMT+7)
Speakers Topics
8 August 2024
09.30 – 10.00 Chair of Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada
(5 minutes)
Chair of Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada
(5 minutes)
Moderator: Dr. phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto
Opening Program
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Dr. Budi Irawanto, S.IP., M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia & Head of Judging for Indonesian Film Festival)
1st Class:
History of Cinema in ASEAN: Development and Trends
13.00 – 15.00 Raphael Wregas Bhanuteja
(Film Director & Screenwriter, Indonesia)
2nd Class:
Film Analysis: Exploring Cultural Meanings in Works
9 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Manit Sriwanichpoom
(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand & Co-Founder of CinemaOasis)
3rd Class:
Arts as a Media for Social Transformation
13.30 -15.30 Hiroyuki Yamamoto
(Kyoto University)
4th Class:
Critical Research: Analysis of Identity Representation in Film
10 August 2024
10.00 – 15.00 Field Work Interview and Field Class: BSO Film, SEA Movie Screening (Theme: Malaysia)
12 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Dr. G. Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
5th Class:
The Influence of Local Culture in Popular Music Genres
13.00 – 15.00 Dr. Elan Ardri Lazuardi, S.Ant., M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
6th Class:
Music as a Means of Intercultural Dialogue
13 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Asriuni “Achi” Pradipta
(Musician, Indonesia)
7th Class:
Narrative Identity in Song Lyrics
13.00 – 15.00 Dr. Siti Darwinda binti Mohamed Pero
(ITS-University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)
8th Class:
To Be Announced
14 August 2024
10.00 – 15.00 Field Work Interview and Field Class: SEA Ads (Theme: Thailand)
15 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Dr. Nadya Wang Sin Yee
(Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore)
9th Class:
Visual Storytelling through Fashion Design: Interpreting ASEAN Identity
13.00 – 15.00 Ashika Prajnya Paramita, S.S., M.A.
(Deakin University, Australia)
10th Class:
Cultural Identity, Representation, and Comics
16 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
09.00 – 11.00 Ahmad Afryan
Bunka Gakuen University, Japan
11th Class:
Transcultural Fashion: Identity and Global Influences in Asia/Southeast Asia
13.30 – 15.30 Dr. Hamam Supriyadi
(Thammasat University, Thailand)
12th Class:
Southeast Asian Heart’s Talks: The Usage of Idiom “hati” in Indonesian and “Jai” in Thai
18 August 2024
10.00 – 15.00 Field Work Interview and Field Class: SEA Ads (Theme: Thailand)
19 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Fuji Riang Prastowo, S.Sos., M.Sc.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
13th Class:
New Age Spirituality in Southeast Asian Popular Culture
13.00 – 15.00 Sascha Horst Funk
(Thammasat University, Thailand)
14th Class:
Culture Based Marketing Strategy in ASEAN
20 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, S.I.P., M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
15th Class:
Celebrity and Influence on Cultural Identity
13.00 – 15.00 Dr. Miguel Escobar Varela
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
16th Class:
Exploring Southeast Asian Performing Arts: Integrating Computational and Interactive Approaches
21 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, M.A.
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
17th Class:
ASEAN Policy to Encourage the Development of Popular Culture to Build ASEAN Identity
13.00 – 15.00 Kenneth Ephraim Surat
(Architecture and Travel Content Creator, The Philippines)
18th Class:
Global Architecture: Travel, Culture, and Identity
22 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
10.00 – 12.00 Maria Brisia Jodie Maurinne
(Singer, Indonesia)
19th Class:
Building identity through Popular Characters and Figures
13.00 – 15.00 Ina Ratyina, S.I.P., M.A.
(Monash University)
20th Class:
Fashion and Creative Industry in Southeast Asia
23 August 2024
Time & Theme: (2.5 sessions)
09.00 – 11.00 Manuel R. Enverga III, DSocSci
(Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines)
21st Class:
Youth, Trends, and Social Transformation
13.30 – 15.30 Dr. Camillo Sol Caicedo
(King’s College London United Kingdom)
22nd Class:
Exploring Cultural Narratives in Communication Media
15.30 – 16.00 Closing Ceremony
*Class themes are subject to change


Tuition Fee

Online In-person
IDR 1.500.000 (92 USD) IDR 2.500.000 (153 USD)


  1. Color scan of passport (personal information page)
  2. Official passport-sized photograph
  3. Recommendation letter (if any)

Visit the following page to learn about the procedure on how to apply for the Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating the ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture!

Contact Us


+62 74 58-96-58

+62 85-643-12-88-11 (Ms. Aulia)


More Info

Yogyakarta, often affectionately referred to as Jogja, is a vibrant city located on the island of Java in Indonesia. Renowned for its rich cultural heritage, educational institutions, and thriving arts scene, Jogja is a melting pot of tradition and modernity. It is a city where history and contemporary life coexist harmoniously, offering a unique experience for residents and visitors alike.

Jogja is home to numerous attractions, from ancient temples like Prambanan to the bustling Malioboro Street, a haven for shopping and local cuisine. The city is also known for its vibrant arts and music scene, with many galleries, museums, and performance spaces showcasing the region’s rich cultural heritage. Jogja’s universities, including the prestigious Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), attract students from across Indonesia and the world, creating a dynamic and youthful atmosphere.


  • Gojek is a popular ride-hailing and on-demand service in Jogja, offering transportation, food delivery, and various other services. Users can easily book a ride or order food through the Gojek app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. Gojek drivers, are a common sight throughout the city, providing a convenient and affordable means of getting around.
  • Payments: Gojek accepts various payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and digital wallets such as GoPay. GoPay is Gojek’s own digital payment system, which can be topped up using bank transfers, ATMs, or at convenience stores. Using GoPay often comes with additional discounts and promotions, making it a popular choice among users.


  • Similar to Gojek, Grab is another widely used ride-hailing and food delivery service in Jogja. The Grab app offers a range of services, including car and motorcycle rides, food delivery, and even grocery shopping. With a user-friendly interface and reliable service, Grab is a favorite among locals and visitors for its ease of use and wide availability.
  • Payments: Grab offers multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, and its own digital wallet, OVO. Users can top up OVO through bank transfers, ATMs, or at partner convenience stores. OVO users often enjoy exclusive deals and discounts on rides and food deliveries.


  • Shopee Food is an emerging food delivery service in Jogja, integrated within the Shopee e-commerce platform. Users can browse through a variety of restaurants and food outlets, place orders, and track deliveries in real-time. Shopee Food often offers promotions and discounts, making it an attractive option for those looking to explore Jogja’s culinary delights from the comfort of their home or accommodation.
  • Payments: Shopee Food supports a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and ShopeePay, the platform’s digital wallet. ShopeePay can be easily topped up through bank transfers or ATMs and using it can provide access to additional discounts and promotional offers on food orders.

Staying connected in Jogja is easy with the availability of both physical SIM cards and e-SIM options. Major telecom providers like Telkomsel, XL Axiata, and Indosat offer prepaid SIM cards that can be purchased at the airport, convenience stores, or mobile phone shops. For those with compatible devices, e-SIMs are also available, providing the convenience of activating a local number without needing a physical card. These options ensure that visitors can stay connected for calls, texts, and data usage throughout their stay.

Jogja’s blend of cultural richness and modern amenities makes it an ideal destination for students, academics, and professionals. Whether navigating the city via Gojek or Grab, savoring local cuisine with Shopee Food, or staying connected with a local SIM card and internet service, Jogja offers a welcoming and dynamic environment for all.

Finding comfortable and convenient accommodation is crucial for students, academicians, and professionals attending the summer course at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Here are some recommended room rental options near UGM, including details on pricing, amenities, and suggestions for additional nearby accommodations.

UC Hotel UGM

Address: Jl. Pancasila No. 2 Bulaksumur Kampus UGM Yogyakarta (

– Standard Room: IDR 450,000 per night
– Superior Room: IDR 550,000 per night
– Deluxe Room: IDR 650,000 per night
– Junior Suite: IDR 800,000 per night

UC Hotel UGM offers a range of room types to suit different needs and budgets. The hotel provides comfortable accommodations with modern amenities, making it an excellent choice for those attending events or courses at UGM.

Wisma MM UGM

  • Address: Jl. Colombo 1 Yogyakarta 55281
  • Exclusive Longstay: IDR 3,500,000 per month (+62-856-2591-716—Beddy)
  • Price ranging from IDR 350,000.00 – IDR 900,000.00/night (up to 2 people/room)


  • Room size: 24m²
  • Single bed
  • Fully furnished
  • Private bathroom
  • Air conditioning (AC)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Television
  • Weekly room cleaning service

Wisma MM UGM provides affordable long-term accommodation with essential amenities for a comfortable stay. It’s a practical choice for those who plan to stay for an extended period.

Additional Suggestions

  • Student Dormitories (Kost)
  • Price Range: IDR 1,500,000 – IDR 3,000,000 per month
  • Facilities: Options vary from basic rooms with shared facilities to fully furnished rooms with private bathrooms and AC

Suggestion: Look for “Kost” near UGM on popular platforms like Mamikos or OLX for a wide range of options tailored to different budgets.

These options provide a variety of accommodations to suit different preferences and budgets, ensuring that participants of the summer course at UGM can find a comfortable place to stay during their time in Jogja


  • Address: Jl. Kesehatan No.1, Sekip Utara, Sinduadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
  • Price ranging from IDR 350,000.00 – IDR 485,000.00/night (up to 2 people/room)

Hotel – MIC Residence Yogyakarta

UGM MIC Residence offers convenient lodging with a focus on comfort and accessibility. Its proximity to UGM makes it an ideal choice for course participants looking for easy access to campus facilities.

The cost of meals in Jogja can vary widely depending on where you choose to eat. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Street Food and Warungs (Local Eateries): IDR 10,000 – IDR 30,000 per meal. These are the most affordable options, offering local dishes like nasi goreng (fried rice), mie goreng (fried noodles), sate (skewered meat), and gudeg (a traditional Javanese dish made from young jackfruit)
  • Casual Restaurants and Cafes: IDR 30,000 – IDR 70,000 per meal. These establishments offer a mix of Indonesian and Western dishes, providing a more comfortable dining experience
  • Mid-Range Restaurants: IDR 70,000 – IDR 150,000 per meal. These restaurants often feature more elaborate menus and a variety of cuisines, from Indonesian to international.
  • High-End Dining: IDR 150,000 and above per meal

These are upscale restaurants offering gourmet meals, often with a fine dining atmosphere.

Yogyakarta offers a rich culinary scene that caters to various tastes and budgets. Whether you’re looking for traditional Indonesian cuisine, international dishes, or quick bites, you’ll find plenty of options near Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Yogyakarta offers a rich culinary scene that caters to various tastes and budgets. Whether you’re looking for traditional Indonesian cuisine, international dishes, or quick bites, you’ll find plenty of options near Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Recommended Restaurants to Visit

  • Sate Ratu
    • Address: Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Renowned for its delicious chicken satay, Sate Ratu offers a cozy ambiance and affordable prices.
  • Warung Bu Ageng
    • Address: Jl. Tirtodipuran No.13, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Traditional Javanese cuisine, including dishes like gudeg, nasi liwet, and a variety of sambal.
  • Punika Deli
    • Address: Royal Ambarrukmo Lobby, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.81, Ambarukmo, Caturtunggal, Depok, Yogyakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281
    • Specialty: A mix of Indonesian and Western dishes in a stylish, relaxed setting, perfect for lunch or dinner.
  • Soto Kadipiro
    • Address: Jl. Raya Solo KM. 11, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Famous for its soto ayam (chicken soup), this restaurant is a great place to enjoy hearty, traditional Indonesian food.
  • Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil
    • Address: Jl. Tirtodipuran No.24A, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Mediterranean and European dishes, known for its cozy atmosphere and high-quality food.
  • Parsley Bakery & Resto
    • Address: Jl. Kaliurang KM. 5, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Offers a variety of baked goods, Western dishes, and Indonesian favorites, ideal for a quick meal or a casual dining experience.
  • Klinik Kopi
    • Address: Jl. Kaliurang KM. 7.5, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: A popular coffee shop known for its excellent coffee and cozy environment, perfect for relaxing or studying.
  • Gudeg Yu Djum
    • Address: Jl. Wijilan No.167, Kraton, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: This iconic restaurant serves authentic gudeg, a must-try traditional dish made from young jackfruit.
  • Jejamuran
    • Address: Jl. Magelang KM. 11, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Specializes in mushroom-based dishes, offering a unique and healthy dining experience.
  • Nanamia Pizzeria
    • Address: Jl. Moses Gatotkaca B9-17, Mrican, Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: Italian cuisine, particularly known for its wood-fired pizzas and cozy atmosphere.

Cafés inside UGM

  • Fisipmart Fisipol UGM/BRIWork
    • Location: Faculty of Social and Political Science UGM
    • Specialty: A space to work on tasks and discussions. Offers a cozy environment ideal for students looking to grab a quick coffee or work on assignments.
  • Kopi Lembah UGM
    • Location: Jl. Lembah UGM, Karang Gayam, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
    • Specialty: This cafe provides affordable meals, beverages, and a quiet space for studying. It’s a popular spot among students due to its reasonable prices and relaxed atmosphere.
  • BNI Food Park UGM
    • Location: Located inside UGM, it is just in front of Faculty of Law. Karang Gayam, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281
    • Specialty: Indonesian foods and western fusion, coffees and teas. The place is surrounded by tress which make it a perfect place to relax.
  • Digilib Café
    • Location: Fisipol UGM, Jl. Sosio Yustisia, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
    • Specialty: Located within Faculty of Social and Political Science, Digilib Café offers a variety of drinks and light meals. It’s an excellent spot for students to take a break from studying without leaving the library.
  • Magistra Coffee FIB
    • Location: Inside the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya) UGM
    • Specialty: This cafe provides a range of coffee, tea, and light snacks. It’s a great place for students from various faculties to gather and discuss academic projects.
  • Podocarpus by Moikai
    • Location: Just behind Museum UGM, the café is located at the terrace of Center of Pancasila Studies UGM. Jalan Podocarpus, Sagan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
    • Specialty: This cafe provides a range of coffee, tea, and light snacks. It’s a great place for students from various faculties to gather and discuss academic projects.
  • Zomia Co-Working Space
    • Location: Located at Faculty of Forestry, Jl. Agro No.1, Kocoran, Caturtunggal, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
    • Specialty: This cafe provides a range of coffee, tea, and light snacks. It’s a great place for students from various faculties to gather and discuss academic projects