This research is a part of superior research of college entitled “Cassava for Food Sovereignty: Collaborative Study” conducted by 10 (ten) study centers under Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. This collaborative research started from the desire to develop the spirit of mutual cooperation studying food security and energy sovereignty, particularly those related to cassava as an alternative food for the sake of national food security. Furthermore, this collaborative research is expected to contribute comprehensively based on the field of knowledge of each study center for the Indonesian nation at large and the government in particular in the form of policy recommendations related to cassava and food security in Indonesia.
This study was conducted to report on data collection on human rights violations in Southeast Asia that occurred throughout 2010. The countries that are the focus of research are Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand. This research seeks to emphasize the importance of the issue of human rights violations for the democratization process in Southeast Asia. Human rights violations are important to note because the high – low levels of human rights violations are often closely related to the quality of a country ‘s democracy. Certainly democracy is a far more complicated issue than the extent of human rights abuses. However, it is not always the case that the implementation of human rights in a country is linear with the quality of democracy, but it is able to encourage democratization process in a more perfect form, because in this situation the public has more awareness about the fulfillment of their rights so they are able to participate in the process development of the country through the channeling of its aspirations. Thus, the data generated by this study may provide some sort of preliminary assessment of the course of democratization especially in countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The same research report also provides a rough idea of the level of coercion and political exclusion in countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.