Ms. Kira Tabunova, ASEAN Center representative of MGIMO University, Russia, visited CESASS UGM for a week. On behalf of CESASS’ director, Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si.,M.T., CESASS’ Head of Research, Journal and Cooperation Division, Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, M.A. warmly welcomed her.
The cooperation between MGIMO and CESASS started in September 2022 when four students from MGIMO’s Graduate Program of International Relations joined an internship program at CESASS. This was followed by a lecture from Dr. Ekaterina Koldunova during the MMAT 2023 Summer Course Program, entitled “Southeast Asia in the Russian Perspective.”
Both CESASS & MGIMO are looking forward to further collaborations.
Futher detail see:
https://ugm.ac.id/en/news/opening-of-mmat-2023-summer-course-program-on-southeast-asia-in-the-dynamic-of-indo-pacific/ https://pssat.ugm.ac.id/mmatsummercourse2023/
It’s related to SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).