How to apply for Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating The ASEAN Identity Through Popular Culture

For this year MMAT Summer Course Program, all of the applicants need to sign-up for an account in UGM Student Admission System. The procedure on how to register please follow the following instruction.

UGM Student Admission System Application Procedure

  1. Visit Login – Admission (
  2. Register yourself by clicking up the sign-up button
  3. Fill in the required information in the registration form then click the register button (Remember to only input your personal email address)
  4.  You will then received an email from OIA UGM regarding your registration on the UGM Student Submission System. In that email you will find the username and password to access the website
  5. Open the email, follow the instruction on how to activate your email first. (do not forget to click the Verify Email button)
  6.  After you activate your email, you may login to this website “Login – Admission ( using your username and password
  7. After that, you will find yourself in the homepage of UGM Student Admission System
  8. You will find our listed Summer Course Program by clicking the Summer Courses sub-menu on the Non-Degree Programs menu
  9. After that, click ctrl+f on your keyboard to bring down the search panel to find your Summer Course Program category

Participant Categories

Which one am I?


    1. Indonesian
      • I am INDONESIAN Nationality and wish to join ONLINE
      • Choose <<(Online REGULER) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.
    2. Foreginer
      • I am a FOREIGNER and wish to join ONLINE
      • Choose <<(Online REGULER) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.


    1. Indonesian
      • I am INDONESIAN Nationality, wish to join at UGM, YOGYAKARTA
      • Choose <<(In Person “INDONESIAN”) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.
    2. Foreigner in Indonesia
      • I am a FOREIGNER wish to join in class
      • I already in Indonesia and wish to join at UGM, YOGYAKARTA
      • Choose <<(In Person for FOREIGNER in Indonesia) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.
    3. Foreigner
      • I am a FOREIGNER residing outside Indonesia, and wish to join at UGM, YOGYAKARTA
      • ALL Foreigners (ASEAN included) residing OUTSIDE Indonesia, wish to join at UGM, YOGYAKARTA, must apply for a VKSB Visa
      • Choose <<(In-Person “FOREIGNER”) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.

Speaker’s recommendation

    1. Online
      • For ALL nationalities (INDONESIAN and FOREIGNER), wish to join the program ONLINE
      • Eligible to get 15% discount to join the program
      • Price in this section is already reduced
      • Choose <<(Online – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.
      • Prepare your RECOMMENDATION LETTER
    2. In-Person
      • For ALL nationalities (INDONESIAN and FOREIGNER), wish to join the program at UGM, YOGYAKARTA
      • Eligible to get 15% discount to join the program
      • Price in this section is already reduced
      • Choose either:
        1. <<(In Person “INDONESIAN” – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        2. <<(In Person “FOREIGNER” – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.
      • For FOREIGNER, you need to apply for VKSB Visa
      • Prepare your RECOMMENDATION LETTER
    3. Free Online in Speaker’s List
      • For ALL nationalities (INDONESIANS and FOREIGNERS), wish to join the program ONLINE
      • Ask the Speakers to PUT your name on THEIR lists. Limited to ONLY 5 people per Speakers. They will give you an email address.
      • You will get FREE ONLINE participation
      • Choose <<(Free Online – Speaker’s List) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>> on the registration section.

Guidance for completing the registration form

  1. After you choose the designated category, you need to fill in the required information in this Input Data section consist of Personal Data, Study Planning in Universitas Gadjah Mada and Guarantor. please follow the instruction given in the admission system
    • Note for Financial Sponsor in Study Planning in Universitas Gadjah Mada:
      • If you choose the following category, please select Self Support
        • <<(Online REGULER) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(In Person “INDONESIAN”) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(In Person for FOREIGNER in Indonesia) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(In-Person “FOREIGNER”) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(Online – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(In Person “INDONESIAN” – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
        • <<(In Person “FOREIGNER” – Speaker’s Recommendation) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
      • If you choose the following category, please select Scholarship
        • <<(Free Online – Speaker’s List) Learning and Researching Southeast Asia: Communicating ASEAN Identity through Popular Culture>>
    • Note for Guarantor:
      • Fill the information by putting your parents/family/institution/organisation details.
  1. After you finished filling up all the required information in Input Data section, please upload the required documents in Documents Upload section
    • Before uploading the document, make sure the content/text of the document can be seen clearly after the scanning process.
    • Applicants must upload all the supplementary documents in order to get to the next process.
    • Follow each of the instructions and fill in based on your study purpose.
    • Give your files a name that will make it easy to recognize the content.
  2. Lock your data on the Data Lock section
    • This section requires applicants to do double-check for all documents that has been provided.
    • Once applicants uploaded their documents and clicking the final submission, they are not able to change or delete them.
    • The documents will be automatically locked and could only be opened by OIA officer.
    • Please do pay attention before any action made.
  3. Letter of Offer/Letter of Refusal
    • The applicants will receive the Letter of Offer or Letter of Refuse as the result of the selection process from the Faculty they have chosen.
    • For those who received the Letter of Offer should proceed to the next process of the payment.
  4. Letter of Acceptance
    • For the final process, Letter of Acceptance from Universitas Gadjah Mada will be given after the applicants done the payment.

Contact Us

+62 856-4312-8811
+62 856-4312-8811 (Ms. Nurina Aulia)