In the framework of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN, the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) in cooperation with the Mission of Japan to ASEAN held an international seminar entitled “Strengthening Japan and ASEAN Relations on the Ocassion of the ASEAN 50th Anniversary”. This seminar was a manifestation of CESASS UGM’s commitment in developing studies on Southeast Asia and its relationship with other countries outside the region. In this activity, CESASS provided a special study on strengthening the relationship between Japan and ASEAN in social perspective.
CESASS and Mission of Japan to ASEAN hope this activity can provide knowledge and developmental study about cooperation relationship between ASEAN and Japan. Furthermore, this seminar was expected to be a bridge for ASEAN and Japan to be able to conduct further cooperation that can benefit the entire people of Indonesia and ASEAN.
The event was held on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 held at UGM Library Seminar Room 2nd Floor. This event was opened by Dr. phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni as Head of CESASS, Dr. Anna Marie Wattie as Director of Partnership, Alumni, and Cooperation at the same time H.E. Kazuo Sunaga, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN.
Speakers in this seminar were the Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, H.E. Kazuo Sunaga; Muhammad Rum (lecturer of Department of International Relations UGM), and Prof. Tri Widodo, Ph.D. (lecturer of Department of Economics UGM as well as researcher at CESASS). The three speakers invited the seminar participants to discuss the development of relations between ASEAN and Japan from various perspectives.
Japanese Ambassador to ASEAN, H.E. Kazuo Sunaga gave exposure to the background of the establishment of ASEAN and Japan cooperation as well as the cooperation that has occurred between the two regions. Meanwhile, Prof. Tri Widodo, Ph.D presented the space for strengthening economic cooperation that can be done between ASEAN and Japan. Finally, Muhammad Rum, S.IP., I.M.A.S. gave a presentation on the Benelux effect of the ASEAN-Japan cooperation in a regional political security perspective. In general, participants gained knowledge from speakers about ASEAN-Japan cooperation comprehensively.
Furthermore, after the material’s presentation by the speakers, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions. There were two participants who were given the opportunity to ask the question: Tiara from Sebelas Maret University and Anita from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Then the event ended at 16.30 with a souvenir to Ambassador H.E Kazuo, Prof. Tri Widodo, and Muhammad Rum, S.I.P, I.M.A.S.
This article was written by Nela Navida, an intern at CESASS UGM.