On Tuesday (03/19/19), the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) Universitas Gajah Mada held a Writing for the International Social Science Journal with Prof. Dr. Judith Schlehe, an SES academic from Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg and moderator Dr.phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto, one of the PSSAT UGM researchers.
The workshop which was held at the UGM PSSAT Library was attended by 11 participants from various institutions, including the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gajah Mada, Religious and Cultural Sciences of Universitas Sanata Dharma, and Universitas Merdeka Madiun.
On Friday (7/12/18), Taylah Bell (Murdoch University & ACICIS Study Indonesia), Zoe Croucher (La Trobe University & ACICIS Study Indonesia), Angelo Wijaya (Gadjah Mada University), and Anisa Dian Larasati (Gadjah Mada University ) present at the UGM PSSAT Library to provide material on A Comparative Analysis of Blasphemy Laws in Singapore and Indonesia, ASEAN’s Role in Natural Disasters, Philippines’ Approach to South China Sea Dispute, and Return to Education: Any Human Capital Improvements in Indonesia in SEA Chat # 10: Panel Discussion.
On Tuesday (9/10/18), Eva Rapoport from the College of Religious Studies of Mahidol University attended the PSSAT UGM Library to provide material about What Can Be Learned from Jathilan? An Outsider’s Perspective on A Popular Folk Dance in SEA Talk # 24.
On Friday (9/21/18), Dr. Alfi Rahman from the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh attended the UGM PSSAT Library to provide material about Communicating Disaster Risk in Enhancing Community Resilience: Lesson Learned from Simeulue Island, Aceh in SEA Talk # 23.
In his presentation, Dr. Alfi argues that on Simeulue Island, Aceh, residents have their own preventive measures to prevent tsunamis being based on their local wisdom. The local wisdom is in the form of songs which in the lyrics contain prevention of tsunamis. Evidently, in the past December 26, 2004 Aceh Tsunami, only a small number of residents on the island of Simeulue, Aceh were victims, even though their area was included in the affected area.
On Wednesday (8/8/18), Professor Hak-Soo Kim from the Faculty of the School of Communication of Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea attended the UGM PSSAT Library to provide material about Community & Communication: A New Perspective in SEA Talk # 22.
On Friday (7/19/18), Zachary Frial, Annemarie DiCamillo (Georgetown University, Washington, DC, United States students & USINDO) and Pemetik Buah Khuldi were present at AOA Resto & Creative Space to provide material on Trans-Forming Body and Space: Motion, Movement, Momentum in SEA Chat # 9.
Before starting the presentation, Frial, DiCamillo, and the Pemetik Buah Khuldi played their own film which told about the unique gender expression of each individual. In the discussion session, the three presenters and attendees discussed how in different places (in this case are city and state), people’s tolerance for non-normative gender expression was different.