The activities of monitoring and evaluation are the essential processes aim to increase the quality performance of an institution. As a Center of Excellence of Higher Education, focuses on social-humanity science, the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS), Universitas Gadjah Mada was monitored and evaluated by three appointed assessors namely, Dr. Triati D.K. Wungu (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Dr. Trio Adiono (Institut Teknologi Bandung), and Dr. E. Bimo Arsono (Universitas Airlangga). The Vice Rector of Research and Community Service of UGM, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes, Ph.D initially welcomed the three assessors.
The works of the CESASS were presented by the director of the CESASS, Dr. phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, the head of publication and workshop, Andi Awaluddin Fitrah, M.A, and the research manager, Dr. phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto. The presentation covering the field of research, education, and development cooperation, have successfully gained an excellent remark from the assessors. However, academic publications reminds a great task for the CESASS.
Dr. Hermin argued that the lack of academic publications is the most challenging issue to the CESASS. She states, “Not only the issues of time management and the language, many researchers have to deal with the issue of indexing, related to the Scopus as the only tool to measure the credibility of academic publications in Indonesia so far. It is within this problem that such condition hinders academics to get their publications be credited internationally.” However, the CESASS UGM eagers to increase the quality of the centre as the Center of Excellence in producing knowledge as well as enhancing their service to the society. (Meike/April)