On (11/2), CESASS UGM hold SEA Chat#28 in an online conference, inviting two speakers. The first speaker is William Halloran from Western Sydney University, Australia. Halloran explains his presentation about Labor Rights, Laws, and Abuses in Indonesia. In this session, Halloran serves on three main issues. Firstly, he discussed the impact of covid 19 on the industry in Indonesia, particularly in the health sector considering health workers’ rights. Secondly, the controversy of OMNIBUS LAW. Thirdly, issues related to labor rights and laws that Indonesia might face in the future. Halloran concludes that this pandemic situation has proven that a single country can not function without its citizens’ health and well-being. Hence, protecting the most vulnerable has insurance for our better future. Thus, all parties including government, businesses, and other institutions should not take advantage of covid-19 to unravel the rights of the workers.
In the second session, Ryan Sheil from Curtin University, Australia presented his topic, titled “Coral-Reef Conservation in Indonesia”. He explained about 65% of Indonesia’s coral-reefs are under threat, while Indonesia is a home for 1/3 of total coral-reefs in the world with an area of 51,000 km2. Coral reefs as a part of the maritime ecosystem should be protected, while we also need to consider that coral reefs are important aspects for human activities. Thus, the coral reefs conservation is needed in order to prevent it from any threats. He adds the explanation of coral reefs conservation strategies, while mentioning the organizations and programs Orang Laut Papua (SEA People), COREMAP, and Coral Catch Gili Air. Lastly, he explained about maritime strategic partnership opportunities between Indonesia and Australia with Pillar 4 of Australia-Indonesia 2020-2024 Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
After two speakers finished their presentation, the discussion was conducted by the moderator based on the questions from the participants. The discussion was interesting, with both speakers answering the questions while also discussing their answer with the participants directly. This fruitful discussion surely gives both participants and speakers a bunch of knowledge that can be explored further.