The Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada proudly present a panel discussion that held on Friday, 25th November 2022. The panel discussion was SEA CHAT #33 as the monthly program of CESSAS to discuss the current issue in the Southeast Asian Country. In this session, there were two students intern from MGIMO University, Russia as the speakers.
The first presentation delivered entitled “Cultural Diplomacy between Russia and Indonesia” by Tatiana Putcniakova. Tatiana started the discussion with outlined the topic to understand the definition of cultural diplomacy. Tatiana stated from Barghon’s book said that “Cultural diplomacy is the manipulation of cultural materials and personnel for propaganda purposes” (Barghorn, 1930). Besides, Tatiana also cited the definition of cultural policy that, “Cultural Policy is a set of principles, administrative and financial activities and procedures that provide the basis for state action in the cultural sphere” (The UNESCO report ‘Cultural Policy – Preliminary Consideration, 1967). Then, Tatiana highlighted that cultural diplomacy used in the international arena for many countries including between Russia and Indonesia.
Further, Tatiana also gave the brief information about the history of diplomatic relation between Russia and Indonesia that was established on February, 3rd 1950. The basis of building the cultural diplomacy at that time was educational space. From the data that Tatiana delivered, in the education relation since 1950 until 2021 there were 700 Indonesian students that studied in 38 cities in Russia. From the relationship between both countries gave the opportunities to share, introduce and know the culture inside such as, Indonesian Festival in Moscow, Batik Exhibition, and Photo Exhibition.
In sum, Tatiana found that the most developed aspects of cultural diplomacy between Russia and Indonesia are art and education. Then, the dynamic of inter-cultural interaction is growing seen from the relationship of bilateral both countries. Lastly, among the Russian population, perception of Indonesia are often limited to Balinese culture.
The second speaker was Lia Korotkova, she talked about The Position of Indonesia in ASEAN in the Upcoming Years. In order to deliver the findings, Lia gave the brief introduction about the dynamic in ASEAN. Lia also mentioned that ASEAN countries be the the promising lands for the super power countries such as China and USA. The presentation also delivered the important points that, the organizations ASEAN is involved in: the United Nations (UN), the Non-Aligned Movement, APEC, the Islamic Conference Organization (ICO), ASEAN Plus Six, ASEAN Plus Three and Asian-Europe Meetings (ASEM).
Indonesia as the part of ASEAN has the originally rules in the foreign policy that mentioned in this presentation, which is ‘Free and Active’ or ‘Bebas dan Aktif’. The meaning of that on Lia’s finding is Free and Active foreign policy is everyone got the independence of judgment and freedom of action, free to respond any international issues, does not join any military alliances or security pact, connectivity with the world community bilateral, regional and multilateral and able to project Indonesian’s Nationalism and identity.
Further, in this session of SEA CHAT #33 the Indonesian Maritime Policy also added as the interesting one to discuss. Lia stated that, there is Jokowi’s Global Maritime Nexus Doctrine that means Indonesia is in the process to build and strengthen the Sea’s power. In this research, Lia delivered the findings to the floor that Indonesia will play even greater role in ASEAN to ensure its balancing between the global powers if the next president doesn’t erase the course, and Indonesia could be called as the one owing to its political and economic contribution in ASEAN.
Lastly, before the SEA CHAT #33 ended there were some of interesting questions and answers session that raised from the participants and the speakers. Then, for any information about SEA CHAT that ever did and would be run, kindly check our instagram @pssatugm and the website!
By : Dyny Wahyu Seputri