[SEA-TALK #37]
Book Discussion Series #1 on “Social Science in the Age of Transformation and Disruption: Its Relevance, Role and Challenge”
The first – from eleven – book discussion series on CESASS’ edited volume: “Social Science in the Age of Transformation and Disruption: its Relevance, Role and Challenge” was lively on Monday (1/1/2021). Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, the director of Cesass opened the discussion. Strongly committed to revitalizing social science, she invited more engagement for social scientists now and in the future. The book is originated from an international symposium on social science organized by Cesass in 2018 (https://ugm.ac.id/id/agenda/431-international-symposium-on-social-science-2018). Consisting of eleven chapters from fourteen international authors, this first discussion was a tribute to the late Dr. Herry Priyono, SJ., who contributed his thought on: “Social Science and the Pedagogy of Transformation” (chapter 5).
Recalling and discussing Herry Priyono’s prominent thought, CESASS invited Dr. Beni Hari Juliawan, SJ. (Universitas Sanata Dharma) and Dr. Budi Irawanto (Universitas Gadjah Mada). In his 30 minutes talk entitled” Probing the logic of social science”, Dr. Beni who received his master and doctorate degree from Oxford University argued that Herry Priyono saw his task as scrutinizing the way social sciences are often deployed misleadingly to justify policy choices. His training in philosophy, political economy, and theology allowed him to uncover logical fallacies as well as political vested interests in policy making”.
Entitled “The End of the “Social”? Challenges for Social Sciences in the Technological Disruption Era”, Dr. Budi Irawanto or Mas Budi the second speaker, called social scientist to rethink about the notions of the word social today and also pointing to the inquiry on how do social sciences (have and should) respond to the increasingly complex problems today which is compounded by the digital transformation & disruption. As a great admirer of Herry Priyono’s thought, Mas Budi follows him in calling that social scientists need to reconstruct their theoretical framework and strategic analysis in seeing the new social world such as on how technological disruption continue making big changes on market, on everyday live, and society as a whole. Market also a foremost concern of Dr. Herry Priyono he said.
Accordingly, questions and calls were from participants including from Dr. Sharifah Munirah Alatas (UKM) & Dr. Por Heong Hong (USM): “I got engaged with Herry Priyono and interviewed by him on corruption issues. Above all however, to see social sciences in its broader context, we need to develop inter-Southeast Asia conversation among engaged social scientists in and for the future”. Dr. Vissia Ita Yulianto, moderator and editor of the book agreed to the call.
Presentation could be downloaded here.
About Herry Priyono, SJ.:
He was a Lecturer and Head of Postgraduate Academic Programme at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia. He did studies in philosophy, sociology, theology, economic, political and social theory, and political economy in Jakarta, Manila, Yogyakarta, and London. Earning his PhD at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom, he was also recipient of “The 1998 Robert McKenzie Prize” from the LSE. For his teaching task, he is responsible for the undergraduate courses in political philosophy, social sciences, as well as co-lecturer in the postgraduate courses in philosophy of science, research methodology and thesis/dissertation writing at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy. His books and other publications include topic in social theory, history of economic and political thought, corruption and anti-corruption, religious fundamentalism, market fundamentalism, and development issues.
To cite the book:
Wahyuni, H.I., & Yulianto, V.I. (Eds.). (2020). Social Science in the Age of Transformation and Disruption: Its Relevance, Role, and Challenge. Yogyakarta: Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies.
To order the book:
International/COD Order: http://bit.ly/socialsciencebookCESASS
Tokopedia Order: www.tokopedia.com/cesassugm
CP: (+62) 857-8655-1075 (Nur’aini)
by : Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies UGM