After working hard from August to November to realize the World Class Professor (WCP)Program of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) UGM, Center for Coastal Rehabilitation and Disaster Mitigation Studies (CoREM) of Universitas Diponegoro, and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Universitas Syiah Kuala held a research seminar themed “Ecological Communication on Maritime Disaster Management in Southeast Asia” at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mataram (15/12/2017).
In the seminar, there were two panels consisting of six research topics to be presented by the research team of this consortium. Various research topics presented in the first panel include “The Importance of Integrated Research in Disaster Risk Reduction” by the Head of TDMRC, Dr. Khairul Munadi, “Coastal Geo-hazard at Semarang and Demak, Central Java” by the Head of CoRem, Dr. Muhammad Helmi, and “Ecological Communication: Social Adaptation to Maritime Disasters in Indonesia” by Head of CESASS, Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni. In the second panel, various studies discussed were “Study of Earthquake Hazard and Its Mitigation in Northern Sumatra” by Dr. Muksin Umar of TDMRC, “The Effects of ENSO on the Variability of SST and Chlorophyll-a in the Maluku Sea” by Dr.Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, and “Waste as an Environmental Disaster: Socio-Religious Practices at the South Coast of Java” by Dr.Phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto of CESASS.
The results seminar was attended by academic community members of Universitas Mataram and practitioners who have interest in environmental issues and maritime disasters. Those various studies will be published through international scientific journals. Thus, the purpose of the WCP program as a means to support the capacity of academics and improve international publications has been achieved. The WCP program not only opens opportunities for academics and institutions in the country, but also the potential for cooperation with academics and institutions from abroad. (Meike)