On (11/2), CESASS UGM hold SEA Chat#28 in an online conference, inviting two speakers. The first speaker is William Halloran from Western Sydney University, Australia. Halloran explains his presentation about Labor Rights, Laws, and Abuses in Indonesia. In this session, Halloran serves on three main issues. Firstly, he discussed the impact of covid 19 on the industry in Indonesia, particularly in the health sector considering health workers’ rights. Secondly, the controversy of OMNIBUS LAW. Thirdly, issues related to labor rights and laws that Indonesia might face in the future. Halloran concludes that this pandemic situation has proven that a single country can not function without its citizens’ health and well-being. Hence, protecting the most vulnerable has insurance for our better future. Thus, all parties including government, businesses, and other institutions should not take advantage of covid-19 to unravel the rights of the workers.
Education either functions as an instrument that is used to facilitate the integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, how men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. Said Prof. Alberto Gomes referencing Virilio’s ideas about critical pedagogy in South America, especially in the practice of Brazil education in SEA TALK Series #43, Prof. Alberto is a founding director of dialogue, emphatic, engagement, and peacebuilding at DEEP network and a professor at Emeritus La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia. In this SEA chat discussion, this time Prof. Alberto brings a discussion on the topic of emancipating the shackled mind and “the role of critical education”.
Proceeding of Southeast Asia Conference on Media, Cinema, and Art (2021)
Southeast Asia Conference on Media, Cinema and Art (SEA-MCA) is a distinct international conference organized by Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2021. The conference picked the theme of: “Rediscovering Southeast Asia Amidst Its Multi-layered Burdens.”
This conference proceedings book is arranged by Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies UGM. It is consisting of a wide range of topics under the field of art, media and film studies, prominently in searching for Southeast Asia regional collective values and identity in time of crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the topics are divided into three broad sub-themes, including but not limited to: Media, human rights and democracy; Digital literacy and Digital divide in SEA; Contesting Identities in Southeast Asian cinema; Regionalism in Southeast Asian cinema; Art and politics; and Performing and visual art studies.
Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS UGM) atau Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara UGM telah menyelenggarakan Acara MMAT 2021 Summer Course Program yang dimulai pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2021 dan berakhir pada 10 November 2021. MMAT atau ‘Mengajar dan Meneliti Asia Tenggara’ tahun ini diselenggarakan dengan format virtual summer course yang mengusung tema “(Re)constructing Southeast Asia”.
Acara pembukaan MMAT 2021 Summer Course Program diadakan pada hari Senin, 11 Oktober 2021 yang dibuka secara resmi oleh Bapak Drs. Muhadi Sugiono dari Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai Ketua penyelenggara program. Dalam sambutannya, Bapak Muhadi menyatakan bahwa MMAT 2021 Summer Course Program menjadi pionir yang menginisiasi kegiatan akademik Indonesia untuk diperluas sampai pada komunitas akademik internasional. Tujuan dari diadakannya MMAT 2021 Summer Course Program ini adalah untuk memahami Asia Tenggara dari berbagai perspektif dengan mengundang orang-orang yang berasal dari beragam latar belakang. “Program ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat baik untuk mengundang para pelajar sebagai akademisi di masa depan untuk membawa intensi dalam perkembangan Asia Tenggara” ungkap Bapak Muhadi dalam sambutannya.
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Phil Hermin Indah Wahyuni, M.Si., dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar dalam bidang Ilmu Komunikasi. Dalam pidato yang berlangsung pada Selasa (9/11) di Balai Senat Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Prof. Hermin menyampaikan pidato yang berjudul Komunikasi Autopoiesis Sebagai Energi Adaptasi Sistem Sosial: Respon, Resonansi, (R)evolusi.
Dalam pidato pengukuhan, Prof. Hermin menyampaikan kompleksnya problem komunikasi dalam masyarakat modern. Menurut pandangan Prof. Hermin, komunikasi sebagai sebuah sistem yang komprehensif dan inti dari sistem sosial (masyarakat modern). Tradisi autopoiesis memiliki potensi sebagai jalan masa depan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan komunikasi dengan segala kompleksitas, baik sebagai ilmu maupun fenomena sosial. Sistem sosial (masyarakat modern) akan terhenti saat tidak ada komunikasi. Produksi dan reproduksi masyarakat ditentukan oleh komunikasi. Sehingga, sistem sosial merupakan sistem komunikasi itu sendiri.
With a population of 260 million people, Indonesia is the fourth largest country globally and one of the most dynamic economies in the global market. According to the World Bank, Indonesia is now included in the status of a middle-income country. The economy in the country is running smoothly, especially during the last decade following the economic contraction caused by the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998. Due to its fairly rapid economic development, Indonesia has become a developing country and the first economic power in Southeast Asia. Its role in ASEAN continues to be important. Indonesia’s political and economic structure has changed over the years since its independence. In 1950, after the end of Dutch colonialism, economic and political development focused on the agricultural sector to realize a self-sufficient agricultural system by 1960. In the middle of 1970-1980, after the crude oil price fell, the Indonesian economy rapidly developed with urbanization and industrialization programs, for This Indonesia occurred as a consequence of the political change from crude oil exports to manufactured exports.
Jokowi’s first development plan: infrastructure
Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, is in his second period of the presidency in Indonesia, which had, during his first period, he concentrated policy on the development of the Indonesian economy, especially through investment in the development of the development infrastructure (Hill and Negara 2019). Jokowi knows that infrastructure has been the “Achilles Heel” for developing countries like Indonesia, yet he focused on investment, health systems, and education during his second term. The last law on labour, the Omnibus law, was confirmed by the Jokowi administration last October during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new law will administer labour, environmental and investment regulation (Arifin 2021, Mahy 2021)
Summer Course Program : (Re)constructing Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is not a mere geographical space with a passive role in the international arena. The region instead has been becoming an active agent to engage in the international political discourse that covers the political, economic, social and cultural dynamics, as well as, security issues. The image of Southeast Asia as an actor that is capable of becoming an agent, is reflected in the political decision taken by the leaders of Southeast Asian countries to define and to present themselves as one single community, which is the ASEAN Community, and it has entered into force since 2016. Ironically, the level of interest and the number of studies conducted by academics regarding Southeast Asia are less developed inside the region.
The Indonesian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (IKAT) just published the new article written by Myrna A Safitri from the Faculty of Law Pancasila University Jakarta. This journal brings on The Prevention of Peatland Fires in Indonesia: ‘Law in Action’ to Implement the ASEAN Haze Treaty as its title.
This journal calls attention to Indonesia that carries a vital role in the implementation of the ASEAN Haze Treaty, signed in 2002. The ASEAN Haze Treaty is expected to reduce transboundary haze pollution and improve regional environmental governance. The Indonesian government has improved its regulation and strengthened institutional aspects of peatland protection. However, few studies appointed that these policy changes have impacted fire prevention in degraded peatland ecosystems. Based on the issues, this article would examine the political factors behind the legal and institutional changes in Indonesia’s peatland governance during 2016-2020. It is known that there are six predominant factors in peatland law improvement: strong leadership, improved coordination at the national and sub-national levels, making operational directives, establishing a specialized Government institution dealing with peatland restoration, law enforcement, and the strength of civil society in doing public oversight.
As the global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion tonnes by the same year, the waste management system becomes the most concerning issue especially in Indonesia that is already struggling to deal with the current waste levels. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CESASS) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) on Monday (06-09-2021) held SEA CHAT #27 with the topic of “Swimming in Plastic: An Examination into Indonesia’s Waste Management System”. The discussion was conducted by Mingming Alice Sun, 2nd year BA: Political Science and International Relations & Anthropology and Sociology from the University of Western Australia.