After a long break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CESASS has resumed accepting students from foreign universities to participate in the SEA-Gate (Southeast Asian Culture and Language) program. This year CESSAS was visited by students from Thailand and a professor from South Korea.
From June 13 to July 29, 2022, eight students of Thammasat University, majoring in Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, followed the SEA-Gate program at CESASS UGM.
On June 13, 2022, at the welcoming session the Acting Director CESASS UGM Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni warmly greeted the Thammasat students and wished them to take advantage of 2 months in Indonesia so as to improve their language skills and immerse themselves in Indonesian culture.
The foreign students learned advanced Indonesian language, including reading, writing, grammar, listening, and speaking with professional BIPA teachers (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing, i.e., Indonesian for Foreign Learners). The students were also accompanied by their buddies: students from UGM and other universities, who helped practicing language skills and accommodating to learning at CESASS UGM.
In addition to the language classes, the Thammasat students learned Indonesian culture through various activities, such as:
- Trip to Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple, and trying traditional food at several warung in Yogyakarta.
- Cooking class, which included cooking soto: a traditional Indonesian plate
- Cooking class on the Thai cuisine, in particular shrimp tomyam, thai tea, etc
The closing ceremony on July 21, 2022 was attended by a lecturer from Thammasat University Dr. Hamam Supriyadi. He expressed joy that the Thai students had got a valuable experience during their 2-month stay in Yogyakarta and considered that CESASS would continue to accept students from Thammasat University within the framework of SEA-Gate program.
In addition to the eight students from Thailand, Prof. Gu Bu-Kyeung from the Korean Institute of ASEAN Studies – Busan University of Foreign Studies also participated in learning Indonesian language and culture. She was conducting her internship for one month from July 4-29, 2022, at the Beginner II level. Like international students, she studied Indonesian reading, writing, grammar, speaking, and listening. In addition, he was involved in discussing youth perspectives on the past and future relations of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea with other interns at CESASS UGM.