Seri keempat dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 28 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, Kepala Pusat Studi Perencanaan Pembangunan UGM dan Prof. Sigit Riyanto, Dekan Fakultas Hukum UGM.
Seri ketiga dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 21 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang I Gusti Agung Made Wardana Ph.D dari Departemen Hukum Lingkungan, Fakultas Hukum UGM dan Dr. Aprinus Salam M.Hum, Kepala Pusat Studi Kebudayaan UGM.
“Setelah berakhirnya pandemi Covid-19, kemungkinan akan kembali ke skenario business as usual atau munculnya kenormalan-kenormalan baru karena belum ada bahasan mengenai bagaimana seharusnya membangun relasi sosial dan ekologis,” tutur I Gusti Agung Made Wardana, Ph.D. dalam webinar SEATALK #34 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara (PSSAT) UGM pada hari Selasa (11/04/2020).
Seri kedua dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 14 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Dr. Dewi Haryani dari PSKK UGM, Drs. Muhadi Sugiono dari Departemen Hubungan Internasional UGM, dan Prof. Jian-Bang Deng dari Tamkang University.
Seri pertama dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Kamis, 9 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Anis Fuad S.Ked, DEA. dari Departemen Epidemiologi Biostatik dari Kesehatan Populasi FKKMK UGM dan Drs. Kurniawan Kunto Yuliarso dari Departemen Komunikasi FISIPOL UGM.
Meningkatnya pengguna internet berimplikasi pada peningkatan eksistensi portal berita online. Dilansir dari data Kominfo tahun 2018, sebanyak 43.000 portal berita online telah beredar dan hanya 200 diantaranya yang terverifikasi sehingga media online kini bias akan post-truth. Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara (PSSAT) menggelar SEA CHAT #23 oleh Lucia Yuriko dengan tajuk “Fenomena Post-Truth di Media Online” dengan fokus bahasan pada pemberitaan Livi Zheng dalam portal berita
“Post-truth adalah keadaan di mana fakta objektif kurang berpengaruh dibandingkan dengan opini atau emosional pribadi” tutur mahasiswi Ilmu Komunikasi, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta tersebut pada Rabu (11/03/2020) di Perpustakaan PSSAT UGM.
Since 1977, the United Nations (UN) has celebrated March 8th as International Women’s Day to fight for women’s rights and bring world peace. In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) UGM held a discussion “Study of the Family Resilience Bill: The Setbacks of the Women’s Movement in Indonesia”. The discussion about women in the Family Resilience Bill was conducted by one of the PSSAT UGM researchers, Putu Yogi Paramitha, M.H. on Tuesday (10/03/2020) at the UGM PSSAT Library.
State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya ( visited Center for Southeast Asian Sosial Studies (CESASS), Universitas Gadjah Mada. This visit was a follow-up of cooperation between CESASS and PSSAT UGM. This cooperation included education and research, local multicultural socio-religious studies, academic publication, student exchange and lecturer exchange.
Welcomed by our CESASS Director, Prof. Dr. phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, this meeting attended by Dr. H. Abd. Halim. MAg (Dean of Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel), Dr. Agus Santoso, S.Ag., M.Pd. (Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel), Dr. Lukman Fahmi, A.Ah, M.Pd (Head of BKI Program, Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel), Dr. Moch Anshori, S.Agm M.FiLL (Head Department of Da’wa, Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel), Dr. Nikmah Hadiati Salisah, S.I.P., M.Si. (Lecturer, Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel), and Dra. Mierrina, M.Si. (Lecturer, Da’wa and Communication Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel).
As a region that is growing rapidly from various fields, Southeast Asia has similarities with Latin America. These 2 regions share the same historical background as colonialism, cultural pluralism, and spiritualism. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CESASS) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held SEA CHAT #22 “Regional Literature Between SEA and Latin America, What Makes the Differences?” by Gladhys Elliona Syahutari, on Friday (02/28/2020) at the PSSAT Library. Attended by the public and intern students from Singapore, Belgium, and the Philippines.
Symposium on Social Science 2020
(SOSS 2020): Rethinking the Social World in 21st Century
The Symposium on Social Science (SOSS) is a biennial international event in the field of social science organized by the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS), Universitas Gadjah Mada. The theme of the 2nd symposium is ‘Rethinking the Social World in the 21st Century.’ It addresses changes that information technology has brought about to the society. It has not only redefined the way in which we interact with one another, but it also changed the nature of power within society. Amid these changes, social sciences face a very serious challenge. Unless they take the changes into account by addressing these issues or adjust their understanding of the world they are focusing on, the future of social sciences is rather bleak. The symposium, therefore, would take this challenge seriously to make social sciences relevant despite the changes.
The Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) Gadjah Mada University held an “Academic Writing” class for the interns on Thursday (02/27/2020) at the CESASS Library. As an academic-based institution, CESASS invites student interns to participate in learning the world of scientific writing.
Dr. Phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto, one of the researchers at CESASS was present as a speaker. Starting with an experience sharing session, Ita told the audiences that she had been in the writing world for a long time, starting with her love of writing. “Writing is a place to shed ideas and when writing I feel free,” she said.