Seri keempat dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 28 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, Kepala Pusat Studi Perencanaan Pembangunan UGM dan Prof. Sigit Riyanto, Dekan Fakultas Hukum UGM.
SEA Talk_eng
Seri ketiga dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 21 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang I Gusti Agung Made Wardana Ph.D dari Departemen Hukum Lingkungan, Fakultas Hukum UGM dan Dr. Aprinus Salam M.Hum, Kepala Pusat Studi Kebudayaan UGM.
“Setelah berakhirnya pandemi Covid-19, kemungkinan akan kembali ke skenario business as usual atau munculnya kenormalan-kenormalan baru karena belum ada bahasan mengenai bagaimana seharusnya membangun relasi sosial dan ekologis,” tutur I Gusti Agung Made Wardana, Ph.D. dalam webinar SEATALK #34 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara (PSSAT) UGM pada hari Selasa (11/04/2020).
Seri kedua dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 14 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Dr. Dewi Haryani dari PSKK UGM, Drs. Muhadi Sugiono dari Departemen Hubungan Internasional UGM, dan Prof. Jian-Bang Deng dari Tamkang University.
Seri pertama dalam Webinar SEATALK Pusat Studi Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dilaksanakan pada Kamis, 9 April 2020. Webinar ini mengundang Anis Fuad S.Ked, DEA. dari Departemen Epidemiologi Biostatik dari Kesehatan Populasi FKKMK UGM dan Drs. Kurniawan Kunto Yuliarso dari Departemen Komunikasi FISIPOL UGM.
The Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESSAS) UGM held SEA TALK #31 “Digital Literacies of Indonesian Secondary Students: What Have We Learned” with Jayne C. Lammers, Ph.D (University of Rochester USA) and Puji Astuti, Ph. D (UNNES). The research presentation on Friday (07/02/2020) was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants in an interactive discussion.
In this monthly discussion, Lammers and Puji explained the results of their latest research on digital literacy in the learning of Indonesian secondary students. Research under the FULLBRIGHT program from the United States government has been started since September 2019. There were 618 student respondents from 3 junior high schools and 4 senior high schools from city and districts in Semarang. The focus is on teaching Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom. In their presentation, the two researchers explained that the study was conducted with a collective case study of explanations using a mixed-method.
SEA Talk #26 “Indonesia-Austria Bilateral Relation” with Simon Gorski (University of Vienna) at CESASS UGM Library (18/09/19). Thank you for your participation and see you at our next event!
SEA Talk #25 “Futures Studies and Social Sciences: The Future We Want” with Prof. Dr. Jian-bang Deng, a Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Institute of Futures Studies (GIFS) of Tamkang University at CESASS UGM Library (02/07/19).Thank you for your participation and see you at our next event!
On Tuesday (9/10/18), Eva Rapoport from the College of Religious Studies of Mahidol University attended the PSSAT UGM Library to provide material about What Can Be Learned from Jathilan? An Outsider’s Perspective on A Popular Folk Dance in SEA Talk # 24.
On Friday (9/21/18), Dr. Alfi Rahman from the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh attended the UGM PSSAT Library to provide material about Communicating Disaster Risk in Enhancing Community Resilience: Lesson Learned from Simeulue Island, Aceh in SEA Talk # 23.
In his presentation, Dr. Alfi argues that on Simeulue Island, Aceh, residents have their own preventive measures to prevent tsunamis being based on their local wisdom. The local wisdom is in the form of songs which in the lyrics contain prevention of tsunamis. Evidently, in the past December 26, 2004 Aceh Tsunami, only a small number of residents on the island of Simeulue, Aceh were victims, even though their area was included in the affected area.
On Wednesday (8/8/18), Professor Hak-Soo Kim from the Faculty of the School of Communication of Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea attended the UGM PSSAT Library to provide material about Community & Communication: A New Perspective in SEA Talk # 22.