Introducing a multi-disciplinary research team on The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan lead by Prof. Ming-Sheng Wang (NCCU, Taiwan), Dr. phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto (CESASS UGM, Indonesia & NCCU, Taiwan) & Prof. Naoki Umemiya (Sophia University, Japan). This research team is working in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. (CESASS UGM), Dr. Ir. R. Wahyu Supartono (MMPT UGM) and Dr. Falikul Isbah (Fisipol UGM).
It is a 2 year research project aiming at comparing similarities and differences on how each universities in this three countries incorporate the government policy on internationalization of higher education (HE) onto their faculty level. The project is funded by NCCU in strengthening academic cooperation between the university and UGM.