On Monday, the 5th of September, Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CESASS UGM) held a welcoming meeting for internship students from Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia. The four foreign students: Gleb Darchenkov, Tatiana Putsnyakova, Dmitriy Svechnikov and Lia Korotkova, will participate in an internship program at CESASS aimed at gaining substantive experience by building networks with Southeast Asia social studies researchers and experts for the period from the beginning of September to the end of November.
On September 7 2022, the representatives of Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies took part in ACICIS NGO Fair held at the beginning of each academic semester. This time NGO Fair was held in Selasar Barat FISIPOL UGM (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM). The event is sponsored by the Australian government and aims at increasing the spirit of volunteerism among Jogja and foreign students.
NGO Fair introduces new ACICIS students to the opportunity to participate in various communities and organizations in Yogyakarta and its surroundings. Each semester ACICIS facilitates foreign students, especially those whose universities are members of the consortium, to study for one or two semesters at Indonesian higher education institutions such as Gajah Mada University, Sanata Dharma University, and Indonesian Islamic University. Students may opt for volunteer work as well as take part in various internship programs.
The Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada held a panel discussion entitled SEA CHAT #30 which was held on August 29, 2022. In general, CESASS UGM has concerns about social, economic, political, and cultural issues in the Southeast Asian region as stated in the panel discussion. this. At SEA CHAT #30, the speakers will be delivered by Sodya Yadyaunnajabah from UPN “Veteran Yogyakarta” a Disaster Management student, and in the second session by Fadel Ikram from Gadjah Mada University, a Sociology student.
On Friday (26/08), the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CESASS UGM) held the Southeast Asian Chat (SEA CHAT). This is the 29th SEA CHAT after several months of this agenda being postponed due to the pandemic. This agenda is a routine agenda organized by CESASS UGM to discuss countries in Southeast Asia and social, political, economic and cultural issues. The presentation of the discussion material was carried out by M Dwiki Mahendra, an International Relationship student in Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta and also an intern in CESASS UGM.
On July 21, 2022 The Centre for South-East Asian Social Studies UGM hosted “Thailand day” – an inter-university event aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation between the Gadjah Mada and Thammasat Universities. The event was held in the frameworks of a larger PSSAT initiative known as “Country in Focus”, which takes place annually since 2014.
During “Thailand day”, six Thai students, who are on internship in PSSAT UGM in June-July 2022, shared their country’s culture with other interns and employees of the Centre. Interns from Thailand made a presentation about Songkron day and provided the guests with the basic information about Thai culture in general. On top of that, they taught all the participants some phrases in Thai language and showcased their skills of performing traditional Thai dances.
After a long break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CESASS has resumed accepting students from foreign universities to participate in the SEA-Gate (Southeast Asian Culture and Language) program. This year CESSAS was visited by students from Thailand and a professor from South Korea.
From June 13 to July 29, 2022, eight students of Thammasat University, majoring in Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, followed the SEA-Gate program at CESASS UGM.
On June 13, 2022, at the welcoming session the Acting Director CESASS UGM Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni warmly greeted the Thammasat students and wished them to take advantage of 2 months in Indonesia so as to improve their language skills and immerse themselves in Indonesian culture.
On Friday (22/07), the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (CESASS UGM) received a visit from the Korean Institute of ASEAN Studies – Busan University of Foreign Studies (KIAS – BUFS), South Korea. The meeting was held at CESASS UGM and the participants from BUFS were Prof. Kim Dong-Yeob (Director of Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies), Prof. Gu Bokyung (Research Professor, Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies), Dr. Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat (Research Professor, Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies), Moon Sun Park (Research Assistant, Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies), while from CESASS UGM are Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni (Acting Director of CESASS UGM), Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, M.A. (Head of Research Division of CESASS UGM and lecturer of Fisipol UGM), Dr. phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto (Head of Program and Publication of CESASS UGM), Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, S.I.P., M.A. (Lecturer at the Department of Communication Studies), and Desintha Dwi Asriani, S.Sos., M.A. (Lecturer from the Department of Sociology).
Summer Course Program “(Re)constructing Southeast Asia: The Narrative of ASEAN Identity”
Calling out international & local students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals!
Southeast Asia is not a mere geographical space with a passive role in the international arena. Instead, the region has continued to be an active agent to engage in the international discourse that covers the political, economic, social, and cultural dynamics, as well as security issues. However, the level of interest and number of studies conducted by academics regarding Southeast Asia are mostly developed outside the region. Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) Universitas Gadjah Mada has initiated organising yearly workshops on “Teaching & Researching Southeast Asia” (MMAT) since 2014. Starting in 2021, it is held as a Summer Course, allowing not only the participation of students, but also researchers and lecturers, enabling them to broaden their perspective on Southeast Asia region. This year, MMAT Summer Course 2022 is focused on the “Narrative of ASEAN identity”.
“In this era where digital use has become undeniably massive, easy access to the internet appears to be central for everyone including children. As a result, it is necessary for parents to safeguard their children from the internet’s double-edged sword, which, despite so many benefits it offers, also exposes them to some detrimental exposure”, said Nobertus R. Santoso, a lecturer of communication science in Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta at the 45th South East Asia Talk (SEA TALK) webinar series, organized by the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS), Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada held a panel discussion entitled SEA Talk #44 which was held on March 10, 2022. In general, CESASS UGM has concerns about social, economic, political, and cultural issues in the Southeast Asian region as stated in the panel discussion. In this SEA Talk #44, Prof. Dr. phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, S.IP, M.Sc. as chairman of CESASS UGM opened and welcomed participants and speakers who had joined and participated in the SEA Talk #44 panel discussion. The speaker will be delivered by Drs. Moh. Arif Rokhman, M. Hum. Ph.D., who is a Lecturer in English Literature at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University.